TrackMania? Stadium enters Open Beta!

 Primera    10 Mar : 01:43
 None    Trackmania

Many of you have been eagerly awaiting this moment ever since we announced the comeback of Stadium at the Paris Games Week a few month ago, and now the time has come: today, TrackMania?

Many of you have been eagerly awaiting this moment ever since we announced the comeback of Stadium at the Paris Games Week a few month ago, and now the time has come: today, TrackMania? Stadium enters Open Beta !

This new Stadium not only comes with a whole new solo campaign and new blocks, but it is now fully integrated into ManiaPlanet, allowing it to benefit from many new tools such as Title Pack creation, custom game modes, 3D object import, all the ManiaPlanet services (Team Manager, Competition Manager, ManiaLink, ManiaPub, etc.), not to forget the new lighting engine, and much more.

Just like for the ShootMania Storm Open Beta, free Open Beta accounts don?t gain any Planets while playing Stadium, their custom car skins aren?t shared on servers, and they do not get the official replays on the 15 tracks currently available in the solo campaign.

To get rid of these limitations, you can pre-order TrackMania? Stadium right away on the shop page and benefit from the 10% discount. By pre-ordering the game, you?ll automatically unlock the official replays for the solo campaign, along with getting rid of any other limitations. The total number of tracks in solo campaign will be 65 at release.



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